If you’re like me – then this meme sums up my excitement for the Hololens 2… But how to you order them, and what do we know so far??

Step 1: Start by filling out this online form – Hololens 2 Pre-Order Form
<important>… Make certain the you include a good phone number! …</important>
Step 2: Wait for the phone call.
You won’t receive an email or anything else letting you know that your pre-order form was submitted. For me the phone call only took a couple days, likely faster as time goes on.
Step 3: When they do call – they will ask for information such as what you intend to do with the devices, who you are, what company are you intending to use these for, how many devices you are looking to purchase, etc. This is very much a “we’re adding you to a list of potential buyers and are likely prioritizing you”. So make certain to tell them what projects, etc you have in mind.
Step 4: Wait.
The very nice person who called let me know that they would likely be re-contacting in May or June to take the actual pre-order information. So now we wait…
Step 5: Expecting devices to ship “end of June” – so if this has the same target release date as the Azure Kinect – June 27th is a likely date.
What do we know so far?
There is some information online — see Hololens 2 Pricing & Options but gleaned some extra info from the phone call as follows…
Payment Options
(Option 1) – Pay $125 a month for 3 year (total = $4500) – included “Dynamics 365” for 3 years.
(Option 2) Pay $325 a month for 12 months (total = $3900) — includes Dynamics 365 for 1? year (rep didn’t know more)
(Option 3) $3500 one time — does not include Dynamics 365
* Dynamics 365 looks to contain a bunch great features — will have future article with details on all of those, but main feature is the Remote Assist, Layout, Product Visualize and Guides.
I’m opting for the $125/month for 2 devices – and looking forward to the Dynamics 365 functionality! What are others thinking? Leave any comments, insights you have below. 🙂